Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Ok so I'm a blog failure at this point lol

I set up this blog to talk about the adventures that I had while training and walking the DFW Susan G Komen for the Cure. Wellllllllllllllll that didnt happen.

However I did clock around 750 miles in training and completed the walk the first weekend of November 2010. I love love loved it!! I was hurting as i assumed I would be but the medical staff was awesome and made it so I could complete it.

I have preregistered for 2011 in DFW (still have to pay the registration but did commit while at the event) and if I can raise enough money then I plan to walk in San Diego as well.

My team mate that I met this year was awesome. We met on a training walk and clicked right away. Megan was my hero during that walk. Never did she complain (well a little but always while smiling lol). We slept in a tent in 30 degree weather together, and walked all 60 miles together. She is a true friend. This walk will totally test the strength of your friendship. I love her dearly for putting up with me. I know it wasnt easy but we sure had fun!

The worst part of the walk was the overnight wakeup calls having to use the port a potties but overall it was a life changing experience.

Opening ceremonies was awesome and totally emotional adding to the already emotional ceremony it was the lady that I was walking for (well one of them) Judy showed up :). That really gave me a reason to get out there and walk this walk! Then on the way to closing ceremonies Megan and I and some friends we met on the walk came across a sweet lady named Elizabeth. She was a survivor and was struggling to complete the last 5 miles on the walk. So we decided whether or not we were the last ones in we were going to walk with her. And she did make it. I happened to run across Judy at the very end of the walk and drug her with me through the finish line and Megan continued to walk in with Elizabeth.

Elizabeth will be someone I hold close to my heart from now on. We made contact with her after the walk and she was feeling better and wants to do it again next year. She said we were her gaurdian angels and were the reason she was able to finish the walk :) Talk about cold chills :)

Well so since 2010 is over with its now time to gear up for 2011 and I can't wait. Looks like Krazy 4 a Cure is going to grow leaps and bounds this year. We may be going from a team of 2 to maybe 10...... Making strides against breast cancer one shoe at a time.................................

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Wow Forgot about this blog lol

I totally forgot that I had set up this blog! Oops..... I got the blog bug today and now here I am.

I am currently at 108 official miles of training walks. I walk more but those are the miles that I have purposfully went out and walked to get ready for the boldest movement in history against cancer.

I have raised $535 dollars out of my goal of $3000. I have some big fundraisers coming soon that hopefully will get me closer to the goal amount!

I am a co-captain of a team of 2 that is walking in the DFW 3 day for a cure in November. My co-captain is an awesome lady that is very motivational. Not only is she a 3 day walker which is motivational enough, she is a full time ER nurse, mother of 3 very active boys and a wife. She has her schedule and sticks too it. Wish I could do the same. ;) We met at one of her training walks and clicked instantly. So we became a team. She walked last year and is very motivational on her walks as well as just in every day life.

Besides my co-captain I have met some great people on the walks that I have led and that I have attended. One lady that I met has walked every year for 5 year (I think) and completed all 60 miles every year. Did I mention she is in her 60's!! If that's not motivation than I don't know what is.

I also have a regular walker that walks with us on Sundays that has just started Chemo 4 weeks ago. This week she showed up and had shaven her head but never once has she wanted pity or sympathy from us. She always has a smile on her face and keeps me going on the longer walks we have done together.

I have met a range of great people in my every day life that has made my decision to walk and fight this beast even more enjoyable. We have been on walks several times all in pink and been asked "are you guys walking in the 3 day walk", we of course respond, "yes" and they say "Thank You". What a great feeling that is to know that not only are you walking for someone special that has been affected but also people who you will never know their name or who they are!

2 saturdays ago I shaved my head down to an inch long and dyed it pink! I love the cut and it's a lot cooler during our training walks. I feel this way about the whole thing. I had the choice to cut my hair for cancer, others don't. There are those that will lose not only their hair but their lives to cancer everyday. It's just a little thing I can do to bring awareness to the cause.

I was in the store last week wandering around the store waiting on my husband to meet me and had a gentleman come up and ask if I was walking in the 3 day (I had a pink shirt that says fight like a girl on it as well as my pink hair... what gave him the clue I wonder lol) and when I told him that I was, he shook my hand and said, "Thanks so much" and walked off. I still wonder to this day how he had been affected.

I am just one person fighting this disease but there are thousands upon thousands walking in the 3 day around the country. One step at a time we are coming closer to putting an end to this horrible disease.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

It's official

It's official I am registered for the Dallas 3 day walk!!!! Offical training starts on May 23rd but i have been walking everyday already anywhere from 1 - 4 miles! I sent you my donation letter out last night and am now up to $70 in donations. My first goal of course is to raise $2300 so i can walk but my real first goal is $3000. My sweet spot is $5000. Here is my donation letter......................

As some know I lost my grandmother to cancer in 1997. She didn't suffer long but did suffer and it was the hardest thing to just have to sit back and watch this horrible disease take the zest from a wonderful lady who never let anything get her down. I have thought for years that "I wish there was something I could have done to help"! Now I have 2 friends in my church battling the beast. And I know there is something that I can do to help!

So, this year, I'll be participating in a very special event called the Susan G. Komen 3-Day for the Cure.

I'll walk 60 miles over the course of three days with thousands of other women and men. Net proceeds from the Komen 3-Day for the Cure are invested in breast cancer research and community programs.

I've agreed to raise at least $2,300 in donations. I've set my personal goal as atleast $3000. So I need your help. Would you please consider making a donation? Keep in mind how far I'm walking - and how hard I'll have to train. You can give online at http://www.The3Day.org/goto/kimmayfield. Just follow the link below to visit my personal fundraising Web page and make a donation. You can also call 800-996-3DAY to donate over the phone.

At the age of 30 I have realized there is something I can do to help. I can't take the suffering away from those that have been afflicted by the disease. I can't just look the other way either. I HAVE TO DO SOMETHING NOW. I am one of many who would like to find a cure for this disease in our lifetime so our children/nieces/granddaughters/friends/coworkers/neighbors etc don't have to suffer like those before them. I am going to train and walk this 60 miles for my 2 friends who I see smiling all the time and don't let this get them down and out. I AM going to do this walk for those who are suffering now and those who have yet to be diagnosed. I AM doing this walk for the thousands of people who have lost a loved one. I AM doing this walk for me. It's my part of making the world a better place!

One person is diagnosed with breast cancer every three minutes in the United States. That's why I'm walking so far. To do something bold about breast cancer. I hope that you'll share this incredible adventure with me - by supporting me in my fundraising efforts.

Thank you in advance for your generosity!

Kim Mayfield
walker id #5058360

P.S. Ask your employer if they will double your donation through a matching gift program!

thats it for now but will post more often here as training gets more regular =)

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


My name is Kim and I am NUTS!!!

I have decided to walk in the Susan G Komen 3 Day Walk for a cure in Dallas this year!! 

I was very close to my grandmother and lost her in 1997 to breast cancer. I also have 2 friends at my church that are survivors. My way to give back is to  walk to find a cure for them as well as myself and my daughters.

Now I must confess I am a soda addict. I drink Mountain Dew like I should drink water. I tell my friends that I don't have blood running through my veins its really Dew. I also am a smoker... i know i know..... cancer runs in my family and I smoke. NOT A GOOD THING!! 

But today is the day that I change my life for me. I am going to quit smoking and stop the caffeine. And this walk is going to help me do it!

Soooo on to the preperations that I am doing.....

On saturday I walked a 10k (7 miles) and felt good. But let me tell you that i can tell I have a lot of walking to do. 

I also rsvp'd to go to a getting started meeting on the 16th here locally. I can't wait.
I have started planning the shirts I want to get made and have decided to go with bright pink =) 

i guess that's about it for tonight tomorrow is another day and another step towards 60 miles towards a cure.